Patent Lawyers of Excellence

Success in complex industries comes down to protection and commercialization of your intellectual property, particularly your patents. Providentia has a team of over 20 senior business-savvy patent lawyers and technologists, many at expert-witness level, providing advice to the software, hardware, electrical, and mechanical industries.

Seasoned, tech-experienced, IP counsel

With a background of representation across the Fortune 50 and Bay Area stalwarts, as well as mid-sized and emerging companies nationally, our team is deeply experienced in providing seasoned counsel that is understandable, risk-balanced, and actionable for its clients across the full range of IP transactions.

IP Strategy

Providentia offers guidance and thought-leadership on pursuing the right strategy for patents and other intellectual property. We ensure that your designs, branding, and technology are protected and your commercialization opportunities are optimized. We advise on strategic patent portfolio development and asset management, developing intellectual property strategies that grow with you.

Patent Analysis

Providentia has a “crack” patent analysis team offering unmatched subject matter expertise in developing and tuning impactful portfolios, and casting critical eyes over external IP threats. This team offers deep technical expertise from audio, video & wireless, to AI, AR/VR & NLP. It advises on Open Source Software compliance and commercial differentiation, as well as Standards participation from candidate contribution risk analysis to pool formation and licensing.

IP M&A Support

Providentia specializes in addressing patent, and other intellectual property, issues that arise during mergers and acquisitions. Whether you are buying, selling, or going public, our team is highly-versed in assessing and capturing the value of patent portfolios. We advise on strategic IP acquisitions and divestitures, and perform inbound and outbound technical due diligence for M&As. Monetization is the focus, from program formation to new asset integration.

Pre-Litigation Patent Defense

Providentia advises on assertion defense, from non-infringement charting to design around opportunities. Whether you are considering suing, or are being sued, our ability to formulate and crystallize non-infringement positions, investigate invalidity or unenforceability, counter assertion opportunities, develop response plans, and mitigate risk, is another reason why we are patent lawyers of excellence.


Our attorneys prosecute trademark applications, including trademark landscape searches and clearance. We help protect your brand and the goodwill behind it by choosing distinctive word marks and designs, in the right classes of goods and services.


Our professionals register and manage copyrighted assets, ensuring that all rights are secured for your work. Our attorneys stay up to date with the latest developments in copyright law, especially regarding whether works generated using artificial intelligence are copyrightable. We also assist clients with open source licensing, development and compliance concerns.

Trade Secrets

Our lawyers can assist with performing due diligence analysis of business trade secrets and developing best practices to maintain secrecy.

Virtual In-House IP Counseling

We offer highly skilled and deeply experienced former in-house IP counsel from leading technology companies who can embed with clients, understand their IP needs, create and execute on efficient IP protection strategies, draft and negotiate technology licensing and collaboration transactions, and assess/address IP risk. We can deliver these services on demand or through our secondment program.




Providentia is a tech law firm that’s designed to provide counsel and services which are tailored to the needs of tech companies. We take an integrated approach to legal services, working directly with your team to provide comprehensive strategies that go beyond traditional legal analysis.


Dual Model Law Firm

Based in Silicon Valley, Providentia‘s dual model of outside counsel and secondment programs attracts top attorney talent and provides lower legal costs to clients. Our model, and our focus on relationship building and growth enablement, distinguish us from both traditional law firms and legal staffing agencies.

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Outside counsel program icon

Outside Counsel Program

A team of senior, pragmatic, relationship-building lawyers with high-level in-house experience at some of the world’s greatest tech companies who combine across several practice areas to offer competitive legal services to clients.

Tech Savvy
Tech growth companies engage with us because of our collective experience in the tech industry, our focus on supporting go-to-market strategy, and our cost efficiency. Clients range from pre-seed tech entrepreneurs, to late series/pre-IPO start-ups, to public tech companies.

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Secondment program icon

Secondment Program

Providentia provides enterprise clients with seasoned attorneys to support specific legal projects or in-house legal teams. Clients are assured that our attorneys have the backing of a law firm with the highest ethical and professional standards.

Business Savvy
We provide a stable, consistent platform that clients access to onboard very high quality, often long-term secondment support, at rates which meet the most stringent budgetary environments. Clients range from public enterprise companies to the uppermost echelon of the Fortune 100.


Examples of our intellectual property law work:

Providentia Augments a Client’s Patent Due Diligence Process With Experienced IP Secondees

Providentia recently assisted a client with a patent due diligence process with a nearly two-year-long backlog of unprocessed requests. Once engaged, Providentia went to work immediately assembling a team of secondees specializing in due diligence. The secondment team, already familiar with due diligence processes, was able to quickly integrate with the client’s existing internal legal counsel, thereby minimizing any delay associated with traditional methods of increasing legal staff. With Providentia’s help, the backlog was cleared within six months. Now, the secondment team continues to accelerate the due diligence process so that new due-diligence requests are processed more quickly than ever – increasing rapport with engineering and other internal clients. Now, the client is able to solicit a greater volume of requests from their engineers and maximize the value of every engineering dollar spent.

Protecting your brand and your brainchild

We have established trademarks for our start up clients, and successfully prosecuted software and medtech patents for tech companies in the US and abroad.

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